Special Board Meeting Announcement – 12/18/2024
Special Board Meeting Announcement – 12/18/2024 This Notice is to inform our residents that a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors has been called. The newly elected HOA Board has set a December Special Meeting date in order to respond to a Skagit Land Trust request through their attorney concerning a proposed restated easement adjustment along Sycamore Court. The subject of the Special Meeting will be the Skagit Land Trust and only business related to that matter will be discussed at this meeting. The board will be meeting December 18 at 12:45 pm in the Skagit Publishing location at 1215 Anderson Road in Mount Vernon. Residents are invited to attend as observers as the board discusses their reaction to this request and their possible actions going forward.
Montreaux Board Meeting
1/15/25 board meeting will be at the Mount Vernon PD beginning at 1:00.
Tea Social, February 19th
Tea Social, February 19th High Tea, scones, sandwiches and min desserts at one of the local tea shops Time of event has not been determined
Lunch at Jimmy’s Pizza and Pasta, March 6th
Lunch at Jimmy’s Pizza and Pasta, March 6th Let’s get together for lunch Event time has not been determined
Montreaux Board Meeting
3/19/25 board meeting will be at the Mount Vernon PD beginning at 1:00
Kiwanis Salmon BBQ, April 25th
Kiwanis Salmon BBQ, April 25th Join our Montreaux group for this dinner fundraiser sponsored by Mount Vernon Kiwanis